Playgrounds are meant to provide a fun experience for your kids. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Injuries usually occur, ruining the excitement generated by these outdoor play areas.
The safety of your kids at the Commercial playground is a collective responsibility that is shared between the children, parents, and caregivers. It is advisable for these parties to observe playground safety rules to avoid any incident.
Tips for Parents and Caregivers
Inspect the playground
It is essential to inspect the area your kids are playing for any potential safety hazards. This reduces the risk of an accident by a significant margin.
When conducting the inspection, check the surface first. A hard surface, such as concrete, can cause life-threatening injuries in case the child falls. Make sure that the cover is soft, preferably wood chops, mats, sand, and shredded rubber, and so on.
You should also check for sharp objects because they are just as dangerous as hard surfaces. Lastly, ensure that the playground is clean to prevent the risk of contracting a disease.
Inspect the Equipment
Although playgrounds regularly check the safety of their equipment, it is your responsibility to confirm that the pools are in good condition. Check whether the instruments are serviced frequently. Also, children should be given protective gear such as helmets where applicable. Remember to avoid playgrounds that lack guardrails and protective barriers.
Chose an Age Appropriate playground
Most playgrounds allow children of a specific age group. Before anything, confirm the playground is appropriate for your child’s age.
Teach your children how to be safe
This is perhaps the most important safety tip. You children should know how to keep themselves safe in the playground. Explain the risks of playing on hard surfaces, sharp objects, garbage and any other hazardous equipment.
Additionally, teach your children about stranger danger. Explain that they should avoid strangers, and if they feel uncomfortable, they should immediately contact the person in charge at the playground.
Tips for Children
As mentioned above, it is crucial to teach your children about safety before they head for the playground. Remember to review the rules as you walk or drive them to the playing area. Some of the safety tips for children include;
- Sit down on the swings –standing on swings increases the risk of falling. Also, teach your children to slow down before alighting from the swings, as this reduces the risk of fall injuries.
- Use both hands when climbing – without balance, climbing can be a risky affair. Ensure that children use both sides to reduce the chances of falling.
- Avoid climbing wet equipment – these are particularly riskier than other stuff because of the added slipperiness.
- Always climbslides from the back – climbing slides from the front is risky because someone might be on their way down. It is also easier to slip if they climb from the front.
- Avoid playing around swings – if your child is not on the swings, they should avoid them altogether. Playing around swings places both the kid and the person on the swing at risk, especially if the latter hit the former.
- Avoid broken equipment- your children should always report any damaged equipment. This prevents the risk of cuts and bruises, as well as injuries resulting from falling.
- Avoid pushing and shoving – playground etiquette is a critical element of safety. Your children should take turns in using the equipment. Pushing and shoving could result in avoidable accidents.
Failure to observe playground safety tips could turn an exciting moment sour. As seen above, children and parents have a critical role to play in ensuring that the playground experience remains thrilling and free of any incidences.
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